Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Information and political engagement in America: The search for effects of information technology at the individual level Essay

Activism (Coffee Party). Introduction                  Many onlookers doubt the ability of digital media to revolutionize the political game. The Internet is associated in the new global activism far beyond just reducing the costs of communication, or surpassing the geographical and temporal barriers accompanying with other message media. Innumerable uses of the Internet and digital media expedite the loosely designed networks, the weak character ties, and the patterns of issue and protest organizing that define a new global demonstration politics. Scrutiny of various cases shows how digital network patterns can facilitate: perpetual campaigns of the Coffee Party Movement, the evolution of broad networks despite comparatively weak social identity and ideology ties, alteration of individual member organizations and whole networks, and the capacity to link messages from personal computers to television screens. The same merits that make these communication-based politics resilient, and also make them vulnerable to hitches of control, policymaking and collective identity. This essay uses the realization and fruition of the Coffee Party, a political association in the US that inaugurated as a Facebook Group, to see the upsurge of a transnational activism that is aimed past states and directly at corporations, trade and development organizations bargains a fruitful area for indulging how communication practices can help in creation of new politics. Documentary filmmaker Annabel Park formed the political party as a forward leaning rejoinder to the Tea Party movement in the US. As a tryout, Park setup a Facebook group called, â€Å"Join the Coffee Party Movement,† conjecturing that the way to instigate political participation in the general inhabitants was to create a public spere for civil discourse. The fame and critical mass involvement on Facebook offered a new, and well-suited podium for Park’s experiment (Bimber, 2007). The public spheres created by the Internet and the Web are more than just parallel information universes that exist independently of the traditional mass media. A growing conventional wisdom among communication scholars is that the Internet is changing the way in which news is made (Boeder, n.d.). New media provide substitute communication spaces in which information can develop and be sociable widely with fewer conventions or editorial filters than in the mainstream media. The gate-keeping capacity of the traditional press is weakened when information appears on the Internet, presenting new material that may prove irresistible to competitors in the sphere of 24/7 cable news channels that now occupy important niches in the press food chain. Moreover, journalists may actively seek story ideas and information from Web sources, thus creating many pathways for information to flow from micro to mass media (Boeder, n.d.). New forms of virtual political organization are changing public discourse by broadening and altering participation. Issue entrepreneurship, first conceptualized by Jà ¼rgen to explain the effects of the Internet’s openness and immensity on political discourse is shown here to be at once prescient and insufficient (An encyclopedia). The anticipation of the issue entrepreneur as a central player in Internet enabled political discourse, before it really existed, is prescient (Edward & Chomsky, n.d.). We see issue entrepreneurs emerge from Coffee Party Leadership, from amongst the members and in a few different types of dissent. Jà ¼rgen’s lattice structure, however, fails to anticipate the one-dimensional nature of the political context studied here. Ideology is dominant, and nation, geography and organizational dimensions are nearly absent. Mass media framing of movements clearly varies from case to case, depending on how activist communication strategies interact with media gatekeeping (Habermas, 2003). A global activist movement that is committed to inclusiveness and diversity over central leadership and issue simplicity should have low expectations of news coverage of demonstrations that display the movement’s leaderless diversity in chaotic settings. Why has a movement that has learned to secure good publicity for particular issue campaigns and organizations not developed more effective media communication strategies for mass demonstrations? I think that the answer here returns us to the opening discussion of the social and personal context in which this activism takes place. Not only are many activists in these broadly distributed protest networks opposed to central leadership and simple collective identity frames, but they may accurately perceive that the interdependence of global politics defies the degree of simplification demanded by most mass media discourse. While issue campaign networks tend to focus on dramatic charges against familiar targets, most of the demonstration organizing networks celebrate the diversity of the movement and resist strategic communication based on core issues or identity frames (Bimber, 2007). For instance, discourse enabled by social and participatory media reduce physical barriers, but in this case also make traditional boundaries nearly invisible. The theoretical, design and practical implications of this for socio-technical citizenship are immense. The social and economic interests of citizens are more closely related to nation, geography and institutional dimensions; yet, for the Coffee Party, discourse is not focused there. Self-interest is, in some ways, marginalized by the socio-technical system from which Coffee Party discourse emerges. One important dimension of deliberative discourse on the Coffee Party Facebook page is the presence of both official leadership and leadership that emerges from members. Members lead in two ways; by joining in the discussion for a compelling topic (low frequency posters), or by sparking discourse across a range of topics (high frequency posters).One caution about the discourse we analyzed is the disappearance of user 4283’s comments on the Coffee Party Facebook page (Agre, 2008). Beyond the characterizations of the Coffee Party activists, the predominant news framing of the overall protest movement is also negative, as in â€Å"anti-globalization.† This is clearly a news construction that is at odds with how many of the activists think of their common cause. If movement media framing could be put to a vote among activists, â€Å"democratic globalization† would win over â€Å"anti-globalization† by a wide margin. For example, here is how American labor John Sweeney put it: â€Å"It’s clear that globalization is here to stay. We have to admit that and work on having a seat at the bench when the rules are written about how globalization works.† It is apprehensive with the world: omnipresence of corporate decree, the rampages of monetary markets, environmental destruction, maldistribution of power and wealth, international institutions persistently overstepping their mandates and lack of international democracy.† (Habermas , 2003). The elimination of contributions of dissenters, for whatever reason, would not be commensurate of Dahlberg’s criteria. In a socio-technical space, however, they demonstrate rudimentary gardening of content similar to what occurs on Wikipedia. Future designs of political discourse oriented social and participatory media ought to consider tools and practices for maintaining awareness of editing and what some might view as censorship. Finally, the network structure of this emergent, virtual organization reveals that, although the Coffee Party Administrators are responsible for the parent post content, they avoid participation in discourse regarding controversial ones. Advocates show up as central figures in the discussions that they lead, as do dissenters. Dissenters, however, draw a more diffuse, less centralized network around them. This phenomenon warrants future study focused on understanding how dissent that limits discourse might be separated from dissent that engages discourse. An interesting contrast to focus on here is between user 4283, who dissented without discourse and user 4080, who dissented with reason and direct references to other discussants. Designers of social and participatory media for political discourse might consider incorporating more sophisticated social cues for identifying and managing both dissent and advocacy. Social and participatory media has the potential to engage citizens. The Internet is mixed up in the new global activism far beyond plummeting the costs of communication, or outdoing the geographical and temporal barricades found in other communication broadcasting. Different uses of the Internet and other digital media facilitate the loosely structured networks, the puny identity ties, and the question and demonstration campaign unifying that define a new overall politics (Richard & Douglas, n.d). In specific, we have seen how certain configurations of digital networks enable: Cofee Party campaigns, the growth of extensive networks despite (or because of) comparatively weak social identity and ideology ties, the transformation of both discrete member organizations and the growing patterns of whole networks, and the aptitude to communicate messages from desktops to TV screens. The same qualities that make these communication based politics sturdy also make them vulnerable to problems of control, decision-making and collective identity (Ancu & Cozma, 2 009). The Coffee Party is an illustrative example of how this type of technology begins to realize deliberative discourse through technology; and also a study of how this discourse is constrained. Future research should consider both what we learned, and how new social and practice oriented designs can lead to greater citizen engagement. The rise of circulated electronic public domains may ultimately become the model for public facts in many areas of politics, whether launch or oppositional. It is clear that conventional news is disdainful from the attrition of audiences (more in commercial than in public service structures), and from the shattering of remaining audiences as channels increase. Perhaps the next step is a meticulously personalized information system in which the precincts of different issues and different political tactics become more permeable, enabling ordinary citizens to join campaigns, demonstrations, and virtual communities with few philosophical or partisan divisions. In this apparition, the current organizational weaknesses of Internet conscription may become a core resource for the growth of new global publics. References. Richard K. & Douglas MK. n.d. Oppositional Politics and the Internet: A Critical/ Reconstructive Approach. 704-725. Habermas, J. (2003). The theory of communicative action (1). Boston: Beacon Press. Agre, P. E. (2008). The Practical Republic: Social Skills and the Progress of Citizenship. In A. Feenberg (Ed.), Community in the Digital Age (pp. 201-224). Rowman and Littlefield. Ancu, M., & Cozma, R. (2009). MySpace Politics: Uses and Gratifications of Befriending Candidates. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 53(4), 567-583. Bimber, B. (2007). Information and political engagement in America: The search for effects of information technology at the individual level. Political Research Quarterly, 54(1), 53-67 Boeder P., n.d,‘Habermas’ heritage’: The future of the public sphere in the Network society. Volume 10, no. 9 – 5 September 2005. pp. 1-13[28th Nov. 2014]. Edward H, & Chomsky N., n.d. A propaganda Model p. 256-283 Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Financial institution

Bridgecorp is a financial institution that operates in New Zealand and in Australia (McNabb). As a financial institution it is their responsibility to make sure that the investments of their respective investors will earn profit in a respectively manner. We all know that crises came along in every instance we face in our business. With regards to the concern of Bridgecorp, we know that they have suffered from crises that have led to the collapse of their financial institution.As a business sector, it is expected that there will come a time that they will be facing such problems and with this they need to sacrifice a portion of what they have to make sure that the crises that will come along their way will not have any more conflicts with respect to their business. Yet on the first place, it should also be common to any business that they should look forward to possible problems lying along their way. In this manner they will have at least an idea to overcome such problems and to avoi d further complications that these problems can bring to their business.With respect to Bridgecorp, we have been given the chance to know that they have been given a 3. 5 out of 5 rating y a certain agency which aims to give rating to financial institutions based upon their effectiveness as a business sector (Davies). Yet, what we did not have is the chance to know about the criteria from where the rating came. Having a rating of 3. 5 out of 5 means that Bridgecorp is a financial institution that gives a respectfully, good quality service to their clients and investors (Davies). This rating was given on February and should have an effectiveness that will last until November (Davies).But by the month of November we have know that Bridgecorp have been undergoing several operations in an attempt to save the institution to a near closure. We have known that by this time Bridgecorp has already been suffering from crises that have led them to a situation where they should sell their prope rties in order to regain something out of nothing they might have in case the institution will be closed in no time. As to the respectful agency who gave a 3. 5 out of 5 rating to Bridgecorp, they should have look further to the capability of Bridgecorp to operate in the long run.The agency should have also look at the present health of Bridgecorp as a financial institution. They should have seen if Bridgecorp still have the ability to their jobs well. As we have known, Bridgecorp came up to a point where they came up short upon the cash flow regarding the payment for their maturing term debenture stock deposits, interest on loans and the capital notes (McNabb). From such situation these shows that any financial institution who are coming up short regarding their payments have something wrong going on behind the scene.Having investors close to 18000 individuals and an investment being estimated to be $600 million these show that there are a lot of people who entrust their money to B ridgecorp (McNabb). And according to this information, a little shortage regarding the budget and funds of Bridgecorp will show a large amount of money and if it turned out to be a net loss then it only shows that Bridgecorp have lost a large amount of money. Once a financial institution have lost a great amount of money it will eventually turn out that they should have made such actions to have refund of what they have lost.They should make ways in where they can regain what they have lost. In such manner, the fund raising ability of the institution should double their work in an attempt to regain their lost and if possible to have a higher income. But, on the blind side that we have seen after the collapse of Bridgecorp, we have known that the fund researchers of Bridgecorp have been misinterpreting their duty (Cruickshank). The fund researchers of Bridgecorp turn out to be ineffective and show that they have not performed their duties very well which is very vital to the sensitiv e situation that Bridgecorp have undergone (Cruickshank).As their fund researchers fail to do their job, given that their financial institution is in a situation where they are being close to disclosure, Bridgecorp had lost the chance of having a great back up in terms of their shortage in their cash flows (Cruickshank). If only their fund researchers have been able to find such ways to support their shortage of funds and if possible if they have been able to manage an activity where they will earn extra profit that could help them have an additional income then it could have been a great help to the situation of the financial institution.Also according to surveys, it runs out that most of the investors are looking forward to the interests that the financial institution is giving rather than the reputation that the financial institution has (Benett). It turned out that it doesn’t matter whether the financial institution can give the investors a high rate security regarding th eir investments. Investors on their views at their investments to be a sure-earning investment and it should have a profit in every time that it has been handled by the financial institution (Benett).In effect to Bridgecorp it turns out that in order to have more investors then they should give higher interests upon the investments being handled to them. It could have been great if only Bridgecorp have been able to manage the investments properly. According to a source, Bridgecorp has not been able to lend the investments to other investors in order to earn profits. This is opposite to the point of view of Bridgecorp’s investors. Bridgecorp’s investors were confident that their investments were earning profit as it was being lent to other investors.With such lack in action like this, Bridgecorp have lost another way of earning profit from the investments of their investors and at the same time they should still pay the interest they should give to the investments they are handling. Thus, it means that instead they should have been earning from the investments they are handling then these investments have lured them closer to disclosure. As an action to then upcoming collapse of Bridgecorp, their management had come up to the point where they have decided to sell Bridgecorp’s properties.In doing so, they think that they can have an income from the sell profit of the financial institution rather than losing more as they were trying to revive their financial institution. As they were trying to revive their financial institution they have found out that instead of having profits from their actions and activities reviving the institution they are on the other hand losing more as their investors are pulling out their investments from Bridgecorp leaving them less capital to revive their financial institution.At the act of selling the financial institution, Bridgecorp have been able to use the previous rating that they have earned from a certain c ompany (Ryan). They have been able to use the high rating they have earned in order to have a higher price offer to Bridgecorp as it was being sold. Yet, the rating is not the only factor to be considered if the management of Bridgecorp wants to sell their financial institution at a higher price. Advertisements and other factors like the reputation of the institution have played a very vital role in the essence of giving Bridgecorp a higher value (Ryan).Being the only way they have by then, Bridgecorp’s management have agreed that they should no longer try to revive their financial institution but it is rather an advantage for them if they will sell its properties because buy selling the properties of Bridgecorp they will still have a chance to at least earn rather than continue losing their assets as they try to find ways to revive the institution. In such manner, the collapse of Bridgecorp has happened. It started from the lack of focus on the duties of the management until they have realized that it was too late to revive the financial institution they once have.From the misinterpretations of duties to lack of efforts towards their duties came up the shortage to their cash flow which eventually leads to more complications and more net lost. If only they have given an immediate and proper action to then not yet full blown crises that the institution has suffered then it would have been possible that Bridgecorp has not yet collapsed and on the other hand could have been a financial institution with a stronger foundation. . References: McNabb, Denise. (2007, July 4. ). BRIDGECORP: Signs of a Troubled Company: The Independent Financial Review, p.4. Benett, Adam. (2007, August 21). Do your homework, investors warned. The New Zealand Herald, NEWSTALK ZB. Davies, Anthony. (2007, July 5). Bridgecorp collapse highlights role of ratings vs rankings. Retrieved Sept. 3, 2007. Ryan, Peter (2007) Ratings agencies criticized after Bridgecorp collapse Cruickshank, R ichard (2007, August 8). The important role of research – is it being misunderstood? Retrieved Sept. 3, 2007, from Seekingmedia. com. au < http://www. seekingmedia. com. au/news. php? newsid=133&PHPSESSID=5107571974ff403aafc27f779f500b64>

Monday, July 29, 2019

Greasy Lake

The Difference Between, Story and Song In the story and the song, what is too be learned? The story and the song are different in so many ways. The story has a dark side to it and it is not all fun and games anymore. The boys in the story get hurt and scared. The song on the other hand has a lighter touch to it. The boys are having a great time and living it up. They do not focus on the next day just what is going on at the time. They both show how teenagers can be irresponsible and not have a care in the world. They also have their unique qualities to the story they tell.The setting in the story had a dark side to it. It was all fun and games as they rode around town, got drunk and smoked weed. Then they decided to go to Greasy Lake. They thought they saw their friend and started honking to give him a hard time, but they were wrong. Everything thing went downhill from there. The guy that owned the car was mad and it started a huge fight. This shows darkness by it being late so every one is out that should not be and there fighting someone could have got killed. The main character had lost his keys and could not find them so that they could get away.Jeff and Digby, friends of the main character, were fighting the guy that owned the car; the main character went for the tire iron under the seat of his own car. He thought, â€Å"I kept it there because bad characters always keep tire irons under the driver’s seat, just for an occasion like this† (127). He got the tire iron and hit the guy over the head with it and he hit the ground. Everyone just froze and stared for a minute. This is one example of how the story is dark and what could happen; no one got knocked out in the song. Then a girl came around the car yelling, â€Å"animals† (128).The boys just stared and lusted of her. Then they started tearing her clothes off and were trying to pin her to the hood of the car. This is a dark point in the story because they were going to rape the girl. Before they could do it head lights peered into the lot. The boys took off running. They were friends of the guy they had knocked out. The girl was screaming, â€Å"it is them they tried to rap me† (129). They guys chased they boys through the woods. They boys all separated in different directions. The main character had plunged into the lake and just as he started to swim he hit something.He said it was, â€Å"unspeakable, obscene, something soft, wet, moss-grown† (129). He figured out it was a dead body floating in the water. The boys where hanging out where bad characters go, that body in the water could be them one day. He had to stay there and hide for a while though. They boys finally met back up after the other guys left and the car was ruined. The windshield smashed in, dented all over and trash thrown into the car. He found the keys and two girls pulled up looking for the dead guy. They got out of that and got out of there, they were scared they were going to jail and just wanted to go home.The song has a lighter setting to it. The boys are cruising around town having the time of their lives. They go around and pick up all of their friends and head to Greasy Lake. The song lyrics say, â€Å"I got a bottle of rose so let's try it and I'll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go, They're build like light And they dance like spirits in the night† (Spirit in the Night). They just want to have a good time and go out with their friends to the lake. There was some fighting in the song but not as graphic as in the story. The boys were just dancing under the stares all night.The song lyrics said, â€Å"And we danced all night to a soul fairy band† (Spirit in the Night). The boys did not try to rape anyone like they did in the story, but they were making love under the stares. The song lyrics say, â€Å"Me and Crazy Janey was makin' love in the dirt, Singin' our birthday songs† (Spirit in the Night). They did not have a care in the world. Also they were not running from anyone and finding dead bodies in the lake. They were all drunk or high and going out for a good time. Both the song and the story talk about rout 88. That’s the way to greasy lake.I think the song is meant for just going out and having a good time. It leaves out all the bad things that could happen. The song is like a dream the story is more of a reality. In that kind of situation: getting drunk and smoking weed, normally always something goes wrong. In the song it is all fun and games and a little fighting. It is mostly just dancing under the stares, drinking, smoking, and making love. The song lyrics say, â€Å"Now, the night was bright and the stars threw light, On Billy and Davy dancin' in the moonlight† (Spirit in the Night).This is a sugar coated version of the story. The story has a darker side to it. People are fighting and getting knocked out. There was an attempted rape and dead bodies floating in the water . The song and the story are completely different. The boys in the story were scared that they might go to jail for all the stuff they have done. In the song they did not have a care in the world. Also in the story the boys tried to act like they were bad characters and were mean and did all this stuff. When really they were just young teenagers who really did not understand it.They were foolish and just wanted to act like they were cool. They really had no idea what it meant to be that way until that night a greasy lake. The main character thought, â€Å"I wanted to go home to my parent’s house and crawl into bed† (131). What I learned from the story and the song are opposite. The boys in the story think they are these cool bad characters. In reality they just wanted to act that way. They had no idea what it was like to really be that way until they got in the fight with that guy and his friends showed up.The song has a more upbeat tone to it. It shows them having a g reat time and getting along for the most part. I like the fact that they portray different stories though. It makes it more interesting and gets you thinking. Works Cited Boyle, Coraghessan. â€Å"Greasy Lake. † Literature: An Introduction to Fiction Poetry, Drama, and Writing, 11thedition. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. New York: Longman, 2010. 125-132. Print. Springsteen’s, Bruce. â€Å"Spirit in the Night. † Greetings from Asbury Park. Clive Davis, 1973. CD.

Business Legal Environmen(230) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Business Legal Environmen(230) - Essay Example As such to the disadvantages will now be discussed. The first of these is with regards to the fact that the sole proprietorship is very unlikely to garner any number of investors. This is due to the fact that investors are ultimately leery of investing in the business venture whose decision-making structure and ownership is all concentric upon single individual. Similarly, a secondary drawback is concentric upon the strength that has already been listed; the fact that all responsibilities and business decisions necessarily fall upon the shoulders of the sole proprietor. As such, sole proprietorship oftentimes places an undue level of stress and anxiety upon a single individual and therefore makes it impossible for him/her to both manage the business and maintain any semblance of a normal life. 2. With regards the advantages of a corporate business entity, the first of these is with regards to the fact that it is much easier for this entity to gather and raise money from investors. Du e to the fact that a pooling of capital and/or property can be rapidly affected within such a means, it is likely that such an entity will be able to garner a relatively higher level of investment as compared to the other entities thus far discussed. Likewise, a secondary advantage of the Corporation is that unlike the sole proprietorship, the individual shareholders are not personally liable for any debts that the corporation might incur during its operation. Conversely, one of the distinct disadvantages of the corporate business entity is with regards the fact that it is liable for a double taxation. The reader can understand this to mean that the profits of the Corporation are taxed as well as the individual shares that the stakeholders earn as a form of dividends/payments/salary. A further disadvantage is with regards to the fact that not all stakeholders will have an equal share with regards to a voice in how appropriation is wrong. As a function of the fact some shareholders w ill have a much stronger voice and level of ownership, their decisions will be taken much more seriously than those with a lower level of ownership or shares. 3. With regards to piercing the corporate veil, this most directly refers to the legal decision and ability to assume that the rights or duties of incorporation are also the rights and duties of its stakeholders. In this way, the reader can understand why a corporation is typically viewed as a separate legal person; completely and entirely responsible for the debts that it incurs as well as the credits that it is owed. Ultimately, the decision to understand the Corporation as a separate person is only pierced when an exceptional situation arises that forces the law to consider the Corporation in a non-personhood manner. More often than not, litigation with regards to piercing the corporate veil is generally concentric upon the level and extent to which wrongful conduct, proximate cause, or unity of interests might have been vi olated within the initial startup or subsequent actions of the Corporation. Similarly, as was briefly discussed above with regards to the disadvantage of entering into a corporate entity, the double taxation standard will be briefly discussed below. Firstly, whereas a sole proprietorship only allows for the individual to be taxed upon their earnings, the Corporation, regardless of its size and the number

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cubism and Fauvism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Cubism and Fauvism - Essay Example By means of comparison, fauvism was a form of artistic representation in which strong and unnatural colors for a particular object or individual utilized; with the specific goal of evoking strong emotions. Naturally, the utilization of 3-D imagery was all but nonexistent within this particular approach to artistic representation. A prime example of fauvism in artwork can be seen with regard to Henri Matisse’ â€Å"Woman with a Hat†. Whereas the analysis has thus far focused upon the level of dissimilarity that exists between these two particular approaches to artistic representation, it must be noted that a peculiar similarity has to do with the fact that both of these are forms seek to represent meaning and understanding based upon different norms Michael and at least as compared to what had been represented as art for many generations and years prior to the advent of these two approaches. In essence, both of these approaches are similar due to the fact that they seek to represent meaning in a new and contrasted manner as compared to the way in which previous artists have described the world. Regardless of the definitions that have thus far been given, perhaps the greatest similarity that exists between these two art forms has to do with the fact that they were both new and expansively modern means of representing the world; means that prior artists had not considered and that were, at that time, considered as â€Å"avant guarde†. No matter what metric is analyzed, the Great Depression was an extremely difficult time.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The big sleep Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The big sleep - Essay Example This theme is carried on further by locations tied to Marlowe. From his eyes, we are offered a glimpse of his old office building with its iron work and wood interiors. Here, there was demonstration of glamour or a spark of life that struggled to exist in the face of an obviously dying city. Then, there were also the observations from other characters, confirmed by Marlowe’s assent and body language. In his interview with the general, for example, the latter’s first impression of Marlowe was that of â€Å"a man with blood on his veins.† (p. 7) A little while later, Mrs. Regan would say to Marlowe’s face that he is a handsome man and Marlowe acknowledged it with a grunt. Chandler effectively built his protagonist’s character very early in the story. The protagonist’s background – an underpaid drudge – made a lot of sense why the style of the narrative was what it was, simple, straightforward but vivid in describing the richness, luxury and corruption of the period. After, all, it was from Marlowe’s eyes that the reader learn of the tale. There are numerous points wherein the narration resembled crisp, staccato rhythms demonstrating Marlowe’s personality. This was pretty surprising, however, especially when one takes into account that Chandler is British and the narratives that immediately preceded his work where firmly in the tradition of elaborate and almost floral prose. In a scene from the book, there was an instance when Harry Jones was recounting a narrative testimony about Mr. Canino, Eddie Mars and the mysterious Mona Mars. Afterwards, when he was alone in his office, Marlowe was quoted as saying: I went upstairs again and sat in my chair thinking about Harry Jones and his story. It seemed a little too pat. It had the austere simplicity of fiction rather than the tangled woof of fact.† (p. 115) Here, Chandler clearly expressed his view of fiction or at least its

Friday, July 26, 2019

Days of Heaven by Terrence Malick Research Paper

Days of Heaven by Terrence Malick - Research Paper Example Bill, Abby and Linda works at the same farm. The farmer who was the owner of the farm was a wealthy guy. The farmer somehow falls in love with Abby. At the same time it comes to the knowledge of the farmer that he is dying off some unidentified disease. When Bill gets to know about it, he designs a plan and try to convince Abby to marry the farmer. Bill wanted Abby to marry the dying farmer so that when he is dead they both can have his inherited money (French). Bill convinces Abby and after they both get married, Bill stays at the farm being Abby’s brother. The farmer’s foreman suspected the scheme. At the same time, the farmer is also able to resist the disease and stayed healthy. This ruins Bill’s plan. The farmer also gets to know about Bill’s and Abby relationship. On the other hand, Abby starts loving her new husband. The farmer tries to kill Bill but instead Bill kills him and escapes with Abby and Linda. Police eventually finds Bill and kills him. The music in the film is thoughtful and is filled with regret and loss. The musical mode in the film is like that of ‘The Godfather’, but is not very strong and remembered. This shows that Malick wanted to reflect a sad psychological connection of the characters with music. This has helped in determining the mental conditions of the character throughout the film (Schager). ‘Good days of heaven’ was not very well received by critics. The film, however, won an Academy Award for best cinematography. Regardless of the unfavorable critics, it is one of the most acclaimed films.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Yorkshire Dialect in Comparison to Received Pronunciation Essay

Yorkshire Dialect in Comparison to Received Pronunciation - Essay Example ThÐ µ rÐ µsults indicÐ °tÐ µd thÐ °t nÐ µÃ °rly Ð °ll of thÐ µ sociÐ °l bond mÐ µÃ °surÐ µs wÐ µrÐ µ invÐ µrsÐ µly rÐ µlÐ °tÐ µd to thÐ µ frÐ µquÐ µncy of Yorkshire diÐ °lect. Ð  multivÐ °riÐ °tÐ µ modÐ µl thÐ °t usÐ µd thÐ µsÐ µ sociÐ °l bond mÐ µÃ °surÐ µs Ð µxplÐ °inÐ µd Ð °pproximÐ °tÐ µly onÐ µ-quÐ °rtÐ µr of thÐ µ vÐ °riÐ °ncÐ µ in thÐ µ frÐ µquÐ µncy of Yorkshire diÐ °lect for thÐ µ studÐ µnts in this sÐ °mplÐ µ. The term diÐ °lect refers to Ð ° specific vÐ °riety of Ð ° lÐ °nguÐ °ge, which differs systemÐ °ticÐ °lly from other vÐ °rieties in terms of pronunciÐ °tion, grÐ °mmÐ °r Ð °nd vocÐ °bulÐ °ry, but which is still generÐ °lly comprehensible to speÐ °kers of other diÐ °lects within thÐ °t lÐ °nguÐ °ge. Ð ccent refers simply to different pronunciÐ °tion pÐ °tterns Ð °nd, despite populÐ °r belief to the contrÐ °ry everybody speÐ °ks with Ð °n Ð °ccent. In other words, diÐ °lect is the Ð °n umbrellÐ ° term for Ð ° vÐ °riety of linguistic feÐ °tures, one of which is Ð °ccent - the sound pÐ °tterns of Ð ° specific diÐ °lect. Thus, within EnglÐ °nd, Ð ° northerner using nÐ °ught to meÐ °n nothing is Ð °n exÐ °mple of lexicÐ °l vÐ °riÐ °tion, but Ð ° LiverpudliÐ °n pronouncing the word nothing differently from the wÐ °y Ð ° Londoner might sÐ °y it is Ð ° difference in Ð °ccent. In fÐ °ct Ð °ny nÐ °tive speÐ °ker Ð °djusts his or her speech pÐ °tterns depending on the context of the situÐ °tion: from relÐ °xed conversÐ °tion in fÐ °miliÐ °r surroundings to Ð ° more formÐ °l setting – we hÐ °ve most of us, for instÐ °nce, been Ð °ccused of hÐ °ving Ð ° â€Å"telephone voice†. However, the rÐ °nge of Ð °ny given speÐ °ker’s repertoire is defined by who he or she is. People from different geogrÐ °phicÐ °l plÐ °ces cleÐ °rly speÐ °k differently, but even within the sÐ °me smÐ °ll community, people might speÐ °k differently Ð °ccording to their Ð °ge, gender, ethnicity Ð °nd sociÐ °l Ð °nd educÐ °tionÐ °l bÐ °ckground. The Yorkshire diÐ °lect Ð °nd Ð °ccent refers to the vÐ °rieties of English used in the northern English county of Yorkshire. These vÐ °rieties of English Ð °re non-rhotic Ð °nd refer to themselves Ð °s Tyke Ð °nd Ð °re referred to Ð °s Yorkshire by other vÐ °rieties of English.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Landmark Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Landmark Decisions - Essay Example In this regards, Plessy has also filed the petition against John H. Ferguson, the director of the rail company of United States (Street Law, Inc., 2000). By reviewing the case scenario, it has been observed that the Plessy v. Ferguson case was concentrated on the violation of law related to racial discrimination. The case was in favor of John Howard Ferguson, who was the legal authority of the case for Louisianan Railroad Companies, as a defendant of the case. In accordance, the decision was announced by the supreme court of Louisiana stating that Plessey was legitimized as per the Unites State laws, which was established for creating segregation as per racial basis. In this case, the legislation was recognized as major influence behind the decision making process of Supreme Court of Unites States (Street Law, Inc., 2000). Besides, Supreme Court’s decision in the year of 1875 has restricted the federal government’s ability towards making any kind of intervention in the state government affair. In order to make any kind of involvement in the racial segregation as well as discrimination related act, the federal government needs to take the permission from the Congress in power (Street Law, Inc., 2000). Contradictorily, in favor of the plaintiff, Plessy’s lawyer provided evidence, which suggested that the violation of rules under thirteenth and fourteenth amendments had taken place by the railway company. According to the plaintiff, the state railway company was accused of making differences between the boarding of rail car for whites as well as for colored race during providing services. As per the fourteenth amendment rules, Plessy was provided with the ticket of accessing common compartments, which indeed makes him liable for equal treatment in the rail besides the fact that the rule to ensure separate facilities on the basis of consumers’ race was in itself ethically

The 4 functions of management within the Department of Defense Assignment

The 4 functions of management within the Department of Defense - Assignment Example The three steps of planning involves setting out the goals which the organization plans to achieve , creating a plan for achieving these goals .Once the plan has been made the last function of planning is to decide how the limited resources need to be allocated in order to achieve the plan. (Richard L. Daft, 2010) The DoD is very complex in the terms of organizational structure. The planning for DoD is done at the top level of the country. The President along with the secretary of defense and the national security council determines the security needs of the country or in other word we can say that they set the goals which are to be achieved by DoD. Once the goals have to be set the plan for the execution of these goals is made by the commander in chief in consultation with senior military and intelligence officials. The allocation of resources in DoD is done by the U.S congress which controls the budget for the various plans. Various committees of both the houses examine the goals w hich have to be achieved and allocate the resources accordingly. Organizing Organizing means creating working relationships between the members of the organization to facilitate better working conditions which leads to achievement of goals. An organization structure is the outcome of this organizing activity. (Flamholtz, 1996) The structures are made to breakdown the goals into different components and assign it to individuals who can complete them. The organizational structure of the DoD is shown in the figure below – Apart from this broad level organizational structure presented above there are various agencies and departments which function under the defense secretary. (Kinnard, 1980) Leading Leading is very vital part in management. The leader determines direction, in which the employees have to move, helps them understand the roles that have to be played by them and motivates them to achieve their goals. Leader uses his power, influence and vision in order to motivate hi s employees and make them dedicated in achieving the goals that have been set. The goals made in the planning stage will never be realized without proper leaders. In DoD the functions of leader are performed by various persons. Leading is done at the top by the president who tries to motivate the nation and the whole department of defense on the general level as to why a particular war is necessary. He along with the joint chief of staff’s can motivate the soldiers only on a very broad level; the various officers who are in charge of the field units have to perform the function of leading at the ground level. They have to motivate the soldiers in their command to achieve the goals. Leading is the most complex function in DoD as it is entirely different from corporate leadership. Leadership in DoD means motivating your employees to even lay down their lives for the nation. That is why officers are trained thoroughly in order to inculcate leadership values in them. These values are very essential to win wars and to achieve the overall goals of the DoD. Controlling Controlling means evaluation. This evaluation may be mid-term or after a particular time period has elapsed. Controlling defines how well the organization is doing, how far it is from achieving the goals which have been set; any changes in the goals or resources needed to achieve the goals. Sometimes even the goals might be changed midway if they are considered to be too easy to achieve or very

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is Globalization Ultimately Positive or Negative, or Somewhere in Essay

Is Globalization Ultimately Positive or Negative, or Somewhere in Between - Essay Example While the process has led to enormous advancements and explored unbelievable possibilities, it has also impacted negatively on many nations that seek to develop and prosper in isolation(Friedman). The advent of the internet and other forms of electronic media has made this transformation even more rapid. This paper shall analyze the good and the bad of globalization and analyze the overall impact it has on the life of human beings. The Good:- An interconnected world leads to greater opportunities and the discovery of new ways to improve living standards. Globalization has led to the coming together of the economically advanced and powerful nations with the developing states. This coming together has led to economic, political and cultural exchanges that have increased the speed of development of these less developed countries. Through transformation of technology in the form of infrastructural inputs, investment machinery, economic assistance, social and cultural exchanges and touris m, many countries have been able to break out of the shell of self restriction and catalyze their development(Weinstein). Globalization has led to the expansion of businesses across borders, creating employment, generating economic growth and facilitating prosperity. It has also led to the transformation of ideas and individuals across borders resulting in a greater amount of intellectual exchange(Friedman). The tourism industry has benefited from the phenomenon as well. Furthermore, businesses are allowed to seek new markets and no economy is disconnected or isolated when it faces severe difficulties due to the functioning of global institutions that act responsibly towards members of the international community, such as the UN, IMF and World Bank. Furthermore, the interaction of cultures, religions, castes and creeds has facilitated a decrease in racial discrimination and a broader understanding of people from different regions. People have better access to education due to standa rdized tests, improving education methods and new sources of education via informal, online and formal trainings(Allen and Thomas) The Bad:- The interconnectedness of economies often fare well for the powerful and lead to exacerbation for the less privileged. According to western arguments, Globalization results in increased inequality among rich and poor nations whereas counter arguments from the south state that globalization provides good opportunities for their countries(Weinstein). It will be fair to analyze what are the cons that substantiate arguments that globalization is bad for the global community. Many developed countries are home to commercial giants that have operations across the world. The most pervasive exhibit of this situation is the functioning of Multinational corporations. MNCs often have most of their revenue stream and profits concentrated in the country of inception or ownership however, most of their production is outsourced to less developed countries. The main motive behind this is to extract cheap labor and make people work under unsafe and environmentally threatening conditions; often at below minimum wage. The poor law enforcement situations in less developed countries lead to embezzlements and violations of minimum wage acts. There are also cases of extreme exploitation and tyranny. The most

Monday, July 22, 2019

Asynchronous and Synchronous Essay Example for Free

Asynchronous and Synchronous Essay A bit is a singular digit represented by a binary number. A character is represented in computing terms but a code called ASCII There are 7 bits to an ASCII number With parity bit added there are 8 bits, parity is added to aid in error detection. 8 bits is equal to a byte. 1 1 0 This diagram represents an 8 bit binary number (1byte). The step represents a 1 and the flat part represents nothing. This number would then look like this, 100000001. In ASCII this represents the character A. Packet Structure Instead of sending singular characters it is possible to send many in one go, this is called a packet. For example we use the ASCII code to represent a sentence and this may take up to 50 characters. When sent in the form of a packet we must split the packet up, this is done by using control characters. The control characters are; SYN = Synchronise STX = Start of text ETX = End of text Above is an example of a packet structure used with Asynchronous sending. Bit and Baud Rate When the term bit rate is used, it means the amount of bits per second that are sent. A single character is to be sent for example, the character is ASCII code is made of 7 digits and a parity bit and this is called the useful data. The standard speed for transmission sending is 8bits a second. This number or ASCII code that is sent will not only comprise of the 7 bit and parity, it contains a start bit and an end bit to represent where the character starts and stops. The bit rate is then combined to include these two extra bits and this is called the baud rate, this would then be 10 bits a second (8+2). Start bit Stop bit Parity bit Asynchronous and Synchronous Asynchronous communications do not depend on the synchronisation of a transmitter or a clock. It can be said that they are never independent. When sending individual characters there is no need for synchronisation at all. Asynchronous has a very simple interface and the data rate is normally at 64kbps. It can be used for connecting Printer, Terminal, Modem and home connections to the internet. Asynchronous protocol was one of the first around and was popular with the early invention of the tele typewriters. It requires the use of start and stop bits as previously said and this provides byte timing and overhead. No clocks are needed and a parity bit is also sent to help with error detection. Asynchronous transmission will send single bits of data at a time. There is a standard for this form and it is called RSC323C. Asynchronous represents negative voltage as 1 and positive voltage as 0. Information is sent in a packet with the start and stop bit plus parity for error detection. This method of transmission is suitable for low speed. This is because for every character that is sent a further 2 bits (start and stop) must be added. For example, 1000 characters are to be sent, there are 8 bits per character plus a start and stop for each thats a total of 10000 bits. This is very in efficient. Its packet structure is known as a packet frame. Asynchronous Transmission Start bit Stop bit Parity bit The synchronous transmission form occurs when bits are sent in the packet form. This form of data sending is normally sent through bigger Networks. To calculate the efficiency you must divide the bit rate by the baud rate and then multiply by 100. Synchronous communication is far more efficient than its counterpart. To start, there is no need for a start and a stop bit. This time however the data is grouped, and then sent with characters and the start and the end of the packet. This can be seen above with the syn x 3 which stands for synchronisation idol, stx for start of etx and etx for end of text. Synchronous can achieve much higher speeds than asynchronous and is preferably used within large network structures. It would be therefore worth bearing in mind that if large amounts of data were to be sent then the synchronous form would be far better. Less overhead means greater efficiency and asynchronous just cannot match this. However asynchronous does have its benefits and would be deemed worthy of smaller data packets. Its the lack of timing information sent with the data which restricts it so greatly. Synchronous Transmission Packet of data Effect Of Bandwidth Limitation And Noise Bandwidth is the sum amount of data being sent to a recipient in a given time through a form of communicational media. This sum is normally represented on bit per second. Bandwidth also has an alternative meaning and can represent the differing frequency ranges. All media types have their own forms of bandwidth limitation; this means we cannot transmit the same things on the differing types of media at the same speeds. If sending something with 10bits it will be sent at 10bits a second. This should apply for the bandwidth also (10 bits a second) however; it can be affected by something that is known as cross talk. This is interference on the line, also known as noise. Noise can occur in many forms and this will always affect speed. The only method of transmitting data without any electrical noise affecting it is by using a fibre optic cable. Fibre optic cables uses the use of light and mirrors, this is why it can not be affected. However it is also very expensive.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Human Factors in Aviation for Pilots

Human Factors in Aviation for Pilots Human Factors in Aviation for Pilots Introduction The term â€Å"human factor† belongs to the wide range of matters affecting how people achieve tasks in their non-work and work environments. The commercial aviation industry has recognized that human error causes most aviation incidents and accidents rather than mechanical failure. If interpreted intently, human factors are often deemed synonymous with maintenance resource management (MRM) or crew resource management (CRM). Human factors involve collecting information about human limitations, ability and other qualities and applying it to machines, tools, tasks, systems, environments and jobs to produce comfortable, safe and effective human use. Human factors are devoted to better perception of how humans can most efficiently and safely be combined with technology. That perception is then translated into training, design, procedures, or policies to help humans work better. (GRAEBER, 2014) In spite of rapid gains in technology, humans are ultimately accountable for guaranteeing the safety and success of the aviation industry. They must continue to be flexible, knowledgeable, efficient, and dedicated while exercising good judgment. In the meantime, the industry continues to make main investments in equipment, training, and systems that have a long-standing implication. Human factors cover the knowledge of comprehending the human capabilities, the application of this knowledge to the development, design and exploitation of systems and services, and the art of guaranteeing successful application of human factor values into the maintenance working environment. Furthermore, human factors experts participate in examining operational safety and developing tools and methods to help operator better handle human error. These duties require the experts to work closely with safety experts, engineers, training and test pilots, mechanics and cabin crews to efficiently integrate huma n factors in the designing of airplanes. Human Factors in the Ground Environment Before understanding the importance of human factors we must know the term â€Å"PEAR†. It reminds the four important facts for human factor programs: People, Environment, Actions and Resources. The Aircraft Electronics Association accepts PEAR as an outstanding way to recall key concerns for a human factors program. There are as a minimum of two environments in aviation maintenance; physical work place and organizational environment. There is the physical work place in the hanger, on the ramp or in the shop while organizational environment exist within the company. A human factor should pay attention to both environments. The physical environment includes ranges of humidity, temperature, lightening, cleanliness, noise control, and workplace design. Companies must accept these conditions and collaborate with the workforce to either change or accommodate the physical environment. It takes a cooperate assurance to address the physical environment. This physical workplace covers the topic â€Å"Resources† of PEAR when it comes to providing coolers, portable heaters, clothing, lightening and task design and workplace. The second environment is organizational one. The significant factors in an organizational environment are usually related to communication, cooperation, mutual respect, shared values of the company, and their culture. An excellent organizational environment is progressed with communication, leadership and shared goals associated with profitability, safety and other key factors. The best companies support and guide their people and promote a culture of safety. We consider environmental matters as critical as other features in PEAR. . (Johnson, 2007) Aviation safety relies deeply on maintenance. When it is not done properly, it contributes to a major proportion of aviation incidents and accidents. Some examples poor maintenance are missing parts, parts installed incorrectly, and required checks not being performed. The errors of an aviation maintenance technician (AMT) can be more challenging to detect as compared with other threats to aviation safety. A lot of times, these errors are present but not visible and have possibility to remain hidden, affecting the harmless operation of aircraft for larger period of time. AMT’s tackled with many human factors unique within aviation. Most of the time, they are working in the early morning or in evening hours, in restrained spaces, and in mixture of unfavorable humidity/temperature conditions. The work can be physically tiring; it also needs attention to detail. AMTs usually spend more time on preparing for a job than actually practicing it out. Key element of all maintenance wor k is a proper documentation, and AMTs usually spend more time revising maintenance logs than they do presenting the work. Mechanical components in aircraft maintenance engineering have boundaries; technicians also have some limitations and limited capabilities when we look at the maintenance engineering system. For example, rivets used to fasten aluminum skin to fuselage that can bear forces acting to pull them apart. These rivets will ultimately fail if sufficient force is applied to them. The exact range of human limitations and capabilities are not clear as the performance range of electrical or mechanical components but the same rules apply in that human functions which is likely to damage and ultimately fail under certain conditions like stress, tensions etc. Human factors understanding can lead to enhanced quality, an environment that guarantees continuing aircraft and worker safety and a more responsible and involved work force. More precisely, the reduction of minor mistakes can provide appreciable benefits including fewer missed deadlines, cost reductions, reduction in injuries, reduction in maintenance errors and also reduction in warranty claims. Human factors in the Airborne Environment (flight desk, cockpit, formation) Men already learn how to construct wings or airplanes, which when propelled through the air at maximum speed, will not only withstand the weight of the engine, but also of the wings themselves, and of the engineer as well. Men also learn how to build screws of adequate power and lightness to drive these airplanes at sustaining speed. Inability to steer and balance still become challenging for students and have flying problems. When this feature has been controlled, the era of flying machines will have reached, for other problems are of lesser importance. (Kantowitz, 2011) Working with an aircraft in the Performance Based Airspace (PBA) will be extra challenging for the flight crews who have only worked in controlled airspace. But in real, only somewhat more challenging rules like Visual Flight Rule (VFR) are applied. The flight crew will have to handle more tasks, an arrival of basic separation responsibilities, have complete responsibility for all forms of situational awareness like mode awareness and traffic, possible greater workload under several conditions like severe weathers. To evaluate the necessary information needs of the flight crew to achieve the airborne self-separation task and to regulate the level of automation, it will be essential to study the following sub tasks; Conflict detection; Conflict privations; Traffic monitoring; Re-planning; Conflict resolution; Inter-traffic/traffic-FOC communication. It becomes clear that today’s conventional airline operations possible do not offer the information to examine the above tasks. It is, though, assumed that the flight crew will demand the high quality ergonomically planned navigation and traffic information and in various circumstances may require to be aided by some level of automation and maybe through some decision support tools. Presently flight crews use the TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System) instead of ATC (Air Traffic Control) and to help them attain a minimum level of traffic situational awareness. But in today’s operational environment, TCAS information will not be enough. A CDTI (Cockpit Display of Traffic Information) system will possibly be a better system to help the aircrew to maintain and develop a high level of traffic situational awareness by offering basic data about speed, position and provide information of future state of aircraft in the neighborhood. The important requirement will possibly b e to aid the crew in the detection, prevention and resolution of an important conflict. In this area, it is assumed that the aircrew will be in a controlling position. The revealing of imminent collisions will be automated and will be implemented in the background. The crew will be warned in situation of imminent conflicts along with numerous solution strategies, which are supposed to be filtered and sorted for the crew by using various criteria (e.g., time/fuel optimization, wind and weather criteria, passenger comfort, etc.) to elect for the best solution in the given situation. The aircrew will have the probability to modify different factors of the maneuver (e.g. waypoints, aircraft speed, altitude) according to their requirements and own judgment of the situation. (International, 2007) Improvements One of the major risks a pilot faced is the unawareness of existing problem. This situation indicated as a loss of situational awareness. Loss of situation awareness is like danger is everywhere and you are pleasingly unaware of it. Loss of situational awareness can be initiated by somewhat as simple as inattention. A pilot is unaware of the mid-air collision curse because he or she hasn’t been concentrating in maintaining a traffic watch. A pilot is not aware of refueling of the piston engine aircraft that either jet fuel has been loaded into fuel tanks or not. A pilot is careless during the pre-flight examination that a poor gas seal and heavy rains put hazardous quantity of water in the fuel tanks. A pilot must have situational awareness to tackle any of the above dangerous situations effectively and efficiently. A pilot initially creates situational awareness through applied crew management skills and through trainings. Situational awareness also includes establishing targ ets and goals for a particular flight. Once established, it can be maintained by examining of clues to its possible loss. False assumptions are also cause of flight crews’ problems. It can include great expectations, problematic fixations, ignoring bad news, and intense situation of pilots in case of stress. These problems must be reducing to improve environments of aircraft organization. Cockpit stress management plays an important role in airborne environment. In case of any emergency, pilot must be clam, think for alternatives, choose one and then act on it. A pilot must avoid fear and panicking as they are our greatest enemies during emergencies. Don’t wait to announce any emergency until it’s too late for you to handle the situation. A pilot must immediately ask ATC for help. Lots of ground resources can be available for help. If any error occurs because of a pilot, he must forget about that and concentrate on the job at hands. A focus is must, think of an alternative plan and work on it immediately. Use of checklists can prevent as much as 70% of all the accidents which occur because of pilot primary errors. Cockpit stress management procedure can also be accomplished by using checklists instead of relying on memory of pilots only. Hypoxia is a deceptive problem in aviation. It occurs when body cell receives very less oxygen because of altitudes. Its consequences creep up on pilots without their realizing it. A pilot must be aware of how to handle this situation. The way of pilot to perform their job, the manner they cooperate with other crew members, the manner in which they use all available resources and many other details related to human presentation, will have deep effect on the manner in which they fly the airplane. A pilot must undergo a proper professional training in the area of human factors to improve their performance in all the aspects. Crew co-ordinations must be efficient and the monitoring and assignments of duties of all assigned crewmember must perform their jobs effectively. Communications occur between crewmembers related to flying tasks must not be vague, indefinite or unclear. Summary Human factors and its engineering feature involve the usage of knowledge about human limitations and capabilities to design a technological system. Human factor engineering also relates to personnel selection, training, procedures and many others. Humans can also fail to function appropriately in various conditions. Human can face physical fatigue, affected by the cold, can break bones in accidents in workshops etc. Mentally humans can make mistakes, have restrained powers, and can make poor judgments due to lack of knowledge and skills. Furthermore, human performance is also influenced by emotional and social factors. Therefore proper training of aircraft maintenance technicians is required to full all the features of human factors. The aircraft maintenance technicians are the main part of the maintenance system. It is thus very necessary to have knowledge of mental processes function and different parts of body and also the understanding of performance limitations that can affect the work. An essential part of the operational efficiency is continues improvement in flight crew training and in designs and procedures. Study of commercial airplane and human performance interfaces leads to reduce accidents and at the end increases flight safety. The flight deck human factors are researched which include measurement of flight performance and risk, impact of advance technologies, assessing controller pilot information transfer, determining the consciences of stressors on human performance, recognizing human factors included in incidents and accidents, analyzing the effects of tasks design on pilot performance. Human resources perform aerospace research on organizational and individual issues related to human factors. Research areas included designing of cockpit management programs, effective use of trainings related to human factors, recognition of human factors linked with maintenance- related aviation incidents and accidents and with aircrew Bibliography GRAEBER, C. (2014). AERO 8. Retrieved from Boeing: International, H. (2007, september). Human Factors in Autonomous Aircraft Operations. Retrieved from iFly_EAAP08_nf.pdf Johnson, D. W. (2007, april). A Model to Explain Human Factors. Retrieved from Industry: Kantowitz, B. H. (2011). Hand Book Aviation Human Factors. Retrieved from factors.pdf Parry, D. L. (2014). HUMAN FACTORS AND PILOT DECISION-MAKING. Retrieved from Pilot Decision Making.html#Human Factors and Pilot Error

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Self-managed Learning Approaches and Life-long Learning

Self-managed Learning Approaches and Life-long Learning There are many learning methods to choose from. One of them best understanding techniques regarding particular and professional living development are Self-managed learning approaches and Life-long learning approaches (LLL). The following we are considering the evaluation connected with Self-managed understanding. Evaluation of Self-manage learning approach: Before coming into the profession arena, people really should bring the decent extent connected with self-confidence which often retains them inspired for their work. Self-managed understanding techniques play a big turn in creating this self-confidence inside of. As soon as people recognize what they may be skilled at, that they start giving more time on that will sector. SML aids the staff throughout figuring out their particular know-how areas and motivate these to variety their particular vocation on it. Diligence originates on the stream as soon as an individual loves his/her career. The actual planned method throughout SML aids staff to be able to plot their particular understanding using methods and that they also must focus much more on future needs at the. Gary the gadget guy. Most advanced technology. The actual employees should be able to face fluctuations inside group at the. Gary the gadget guy. When a fresh new goods and services is actually announced. With this method the employees should come to recognise their particular responsibilities and theyre going to place their particular effort much more outstandingly and very well. The actual syllabus cost-free method specifies that the employees perform acquire expertise by the basics and dreams of the contemporaries plus the group alone. Task 1.2 Ways to encourage lifelong learning of the employees: A informing in order to we now have many methods lifelong understanding on the staff throughout professional and particular living may be encouraged. Lets look into a few methods to encourage lifelong understanding on the staff throughout professional living: The staff should be required services and conferences to create these individuals adapted while using the completely new devices or technologies which are on make use of by the corporation. The administrators really should talk to the staff to evaluate whenever they are content with their particular career of course, if they may be in your head organized for it. The organizations can offer the college cost to be able to the employees that dont even have a qualification. The staff may be made available cost-free document trainings. Lets look into a few methods to encourage lifelong understanding on the staff throughout particular living: The staff may be given responsibilities to try and do like a collection. They can study on one another and understand a few truths throughout completely new approaches. Its the managers career to keep the employees motivated on the work. The actual employees may be called or short job interviews or individual instruction using administrators to be able to stimulate these individuals. Particular understanding is dependent upon men and women. It depends on each and every staff members the amount they may understand from co employees or administrators. Task 1.3 Benefits of self-managed learning: SLM method could be the best understanding for just about any member of staff to build up his vocation like a corporation particular person. On any work industries, self-confidence are needed to grow up that has a very good standing. Self-managed understanding provides a workforce that wills self-confidence. Simply because by way of self-managed understanding staff learn largely off their activities. These people get to know what they may be proficient at, whereby they are able to give their full capacity effectiveness. Its very important regarding the two members of staff and corporation that the individual member of staff is actually given responsibilities throughout his/her know-how spot. The actual staffs also need to enjoy their particular career in the event they want to give their particular 100 % initiatives inside. Via Self-managed understanding staff study on their particular colleagues, their particular administrators. Supervisors act as mentoring employees in this particu lar process. These people discuss with the member of staff what they may be experiencing regarding their particular responsibilities. The actual staffs in addition receive possibility to give their particular reviews regarding any completely new technologies or merchandise the organization has ended proceeding. SML always gains the two workers plus the corporation. It provides the organization that has an assured band of workers that know about their particular ability. The corporation in addition extends to recognize how efficient his workers may be at different responsibilities. Task 2.1 Required skills and competencies required for customer assistants: One of the buyer assistants a few expertises are essential prior to the organizational objectives and professional expectations. Interpersonal Communication Skill: Fantastic public conversation proficiency is required. Conversation proficiency is defined as split in to a couple expertises. Therere: O Speaking skill: A fantastic communicating proficiency is required one of many buyer assistants to be able to get in touch with the customers can use along with other employees. Most people hold the same trouble them to be not able to explain truth such method that will everybody knows. Buyer Assistants ought to be detailed and understandable for your clients. o Listening Skill: Jamming proficiency isnt going to specify only listening; whats more, it signifies comprehending what is being said. Buyer asset really should have a very good listening proficiency. They ought to determine what the customers can use say or requesting at the first illustration. Managing Skill: Buyer assistants also have to handle different situations time and energy to time period. These people should be able to handle those people situations easily and success. Thats the reason the humble taking care of proficiency is required. Adaptability: Day-to-day new products and technologies are now being used at each and every group. Buyer asset really should can adapt these individuals throughout extremely quick time period. Oahu is the versatility which often specifies the core power on the employees. Task 2.2 Possible development needs for the same category of workers: Youll find always a few areas to develop. The actual workers inside same class may have a few development needs. Lets look into the feasible development needs for your same class of workers plus the actions forced to fulfil these individuals: Intercommunication Skill: The actual intercommunication proficiency between your same class workers may be developed. It is very needed for same collection staff member to know one another to run the job movement. They should be very clear with each other. Adaptability: Similar class workers really should adapt the job model and movement of each and every additional right away. A same undertaking can involve a number of workers and machines. The actual workers on the same collection should be aware the fact that machines function and should adapt while using the completely new technologies. Commitment: The actual workers ought to be dedicated to look at their full capacity that can help one another at work. For that corporation to develop it is crucial that the employees are very helpful together. Task 2.3 Development opportunities and the activities required to meet them: I have already been touching John final a few times and weve talked about the development opportunities regarding your ex along with other individual employees. Many of us, jointly, are building a particular development strategy (PDP) regarding your ex. They have also been functioning at Tesco score in the community connected with Structure Hamlet like a buyer asset regarding final 8 a few months. Via an extensive conversation weve determined from which industries John believes youll find chance for your ex to develop. Therere: Managing different situation: John senses a bit apprehensive at times as soon as hes got to handle unpredicted situations. He senses that they arent able to face those people situations. Sometimes the retailer manager has got to can be found in entrance to manage those people situations regarding your ex. John believes in the event he or she and his colleagues get some good much more trainings regarding the way to handle these kind of weird situation, that will deliver the self-confidence in that person. Listening Skill: The customers are from different track record using different feature. John senses at times hes got a tough time comprehending what a few clients are requesting. He believes he or she needs to perform increasingly more listening training to be able to different features. The actual SML method may help at this time. He believes he can improve the listening proficiency through conversing with people connected with different feature as soon as he could be outside. Speaking Skill: John doesnt really feel any deficiency connected with communicating expertise throughout your ex. Although he or she believes in the event he can learn a little bit of basic words from additional favourite languages throughout Liverpool, he can guide the customers can use much more. He believes this proficiency may be greater possibly by the group giving them short phrase list to examine or through themself trying to learn from the people because acquiring a few enjoyable time period together as soon as he could be going out inside recreation area or sites prefer that. Task 2.4 The problems take into consideration although creating the right and professional development strategy is actually discovered and discussed down below: First problem, Just about all individual employees should be straightforward using themselves. They have to make clear their particular lacking and try and work on those people. Identifying the needs plus the objectives inside group work sector at the. Gary the gadget guy. Require connected with experienced and professional staff, enhance throughout markets, sources for example personal computers and so forth. Supervisors from all business units really should guide seeking the objectives and explain these to the employees. Finding out there the additional staffs experience and expertise to meet up with the needs connected with administration crew. Its very important to prepare Conferences, Classes, and trainings to further improve up the expertise. Another fantastic problem could be the development charge; the proportion which the staff are establishing. It could be obtained with development appointments where by different responsibilities and time period schedule on their behalf may be given. Personnel can recognize how considerably they have moved on through considering the concluded responsibilities. Finally, the actual staff should be sensible regarding their particular given responsibilities. They have to become decided to meet up with the administration needs and their particular development needs. Task 3.1 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan: Talking over jointly we and John possess made a list of procedures and actions which often are necessary to implement the development strategy. Therere: Finding a target time frame: Its very important to be able to begin a time frame when the implementation on the strategy ought to be occurring. Assessing the skills, abilities, and knowledge: One more critical process and exercise would be to measure the expertise, abilities and knowledge of individual employees just like John. For instance, John is designed for some type of computer perfectly and theres certainly one of his colleague that is not that considerably very good using computer. In the event that equally are called to try and do the same undertaking on computer their particular timeframe to try and do the job arent going to be same. Learning Strategies: The actual employees ought to be given responsibilities because collection and encouraged to look at SML because their particular understanding method. In this manner they will adapt the revolutionary understanding right away. Learning Resources: Understanding sources may be textbooks, education paperwork, computer and so forth. The staff should be effective adequate make use of the sources to arrange to be able to implement the development strategy. Getting feedbacks: Feedbacks are a powerful way to assess the advancement on the member of staff. Its very important to judge the blueprint and function a bit customer survey to get the effectiveness on the staff above the idea. Task 3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned The actual Prepared development actions are because stick to: Training the employees: The actual staffs are educated using a task dependent work and punctually time frame. With the education they have discovered completely new techniques and using the sources they have discovered to be able to adapt to the revolutionary thoughts quickly. Organizing the study groups: The actual staffs are split in to research communities. The actual staffs doing work in the same sector is in the same collection so they can work on their particular professional areas jointly. Mentoring and Supervising: The actual staff are mentored and administered by the administrators plus the brand administrators. Theyve kept very good face for the staff to determine their particular advancement on their own so when friends. Consultation: Soon after each and every collection undertaking is performed the staff receive discussion off their brand administrators regarding their particular effectiveness and what they have to perform enhance their particular pace and accuracy. Task 3.3 Critically assessing the staff learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan: Self-managed understanding, by way of my personal look at, provides each staff members a particular knowledge about what the organization needs from them. These people get to know what this company is actually low in for example experienced workers. Via subscribing to the collection instruction it assists these individuals comprehending the revolutionary approaches running a business and so they receive adapt to these individuals very easily. Via this technique in addition, they can study on their particular colleagues. Thus, the idea provides these individuals the liability to master just about every 2nd. Additionally they provide the option implement their particular thoughts talking about while using the brand administrators through the discussion sessions. The most beneficial section of this understanding method is actually that they dont have to research textbooks; they are able to study on individuals all over these individuals. Thus, in my look at Self-managed understanding is often an effective way to build up the staff for his or her particular and professional living. Task 3.4 Suitability of updating the PDP: The actual feedbacks and in-progress evaluation provided by the administrators and brand administrators ought to be consumed very critically plus the PDP connected with John along with other men and women ought to be up-to-date on the basis of those people feedbacks and evaluation. The actual feedbacks and testimonials demonstrate the industries where by John needs to receive developed and additionally, there are reviews regarding his powerful proficiency industries too. With the feedbacks, John is actually lacking is actually conversation and versatility. Thus, right now John is aware what he or she needs to work on increasingly more. He should enhance his conversation proficiency and look at getting effortless while using the completely new technologies. Increasing the versatility may very well be a tough undertaking regarding your ex nevertheless he can in addition have the feedbacks from his brand manager after having a certain time period. Thus, it is quite ideal to be able to update the PDP connected with John based on the feedbacks and in-progress testimonials hes got acquired. He needs to place initiatives to have better feedbacks when. Will help you your ex getting increasingly experienced and it will likewise guide your ex getting special offers. Task 4.1 Solutions to work-based problems: Through the PDP I bought a few work dependent difficulties for example regarding a short time My partner and I has been experiencing bored stiff doing the regime dependent is effective each day. Thus, My partner and I wanted my personal brand manager give us some more accountabilities. This extra some more responsibilities in my career. Id to be effective harder. Although my partner and I have been pleased with the idea considering that the monotony has been absent from us. The following trouble my partner and I has been going through has been communicating while using the guy people connected with my personal collection. The actual people were from different generation. My partner and I tried wasting a bit more time period while using the folk people. Which helped us a whole lot getting together with these individuals? One more trouble I bought has been certainly one of my personal collection associate has been very poor using computer expertise. Once we were given responsibilities related to computer many of us were concluding later. My partner and I made available your ex to present your ex a few lessons on computer proficiency within just my personal expertise. He gladly contracted and within just a short while he or she developed a whole lot. These are generally many of the difficulties my partner and I experienced in the course of PDP and my partner and I could resolve these individuals at the same time. Task 4.2 There are various styles of communication e.g. verbal, non-verbal, preverbal etc. But in order to communicate with various levels at work I think assertive communication style is the best one. The typical Supervisors can get in touch with the administrators by way of this way giving completely new directions and also demonstrating regard for them. The actual administrators can provide orders on the buyer assistants along with other staff throughout aggressive way. Via this way the minds on the group can get in touch with the lowest most respected member of staff on the group. Every person can learn every time completely new merchandise is going to be released. Just about every employee really feels their particular significance inside corporation. This hard drives these to work harder. There are many much more communications variations used through the work for example sign language. Although those people are simply just through the is effective. In order to get in touch with different stage, I do think aggressive conversation method is the foremost a single. Task 4.3 Time Management: Occasion administration is often a tough undertaking. This ought to be done by having a prepared way. While I have already been given the duty to stay demand on the brand for your 7 days, Ive got to handle my personal work time period. Ive got to become very frugal although picking out my personal transfer time period. Ive got to direct from the entrance through the busiest time period on the time. Let me also have to handle some time schedule to offer the employees a superb frugal work shifts to be effective alongside one another. As I was the brand manager for your 7 days, I want to seek the advice of the revolutionary employees to evaluate right now there effectiveness and My partner and I in addition really should mix up the time period schedule to present these individuals a way to work with more experienced and effective employees. The actual work-loads, my partner and I should try to portion throughout a smart way that the experienced workers are working for the most difficult responsibilities plus the additional workers understand from them.

Graduation Speech :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

Over the past four years, we have grown from insecure, immature freshmen to successful, focused and confident young adults. This incredible transformation has been the result of our entire high school experience. Everything from that first homecoming game, to late night cramming, to the last dance at prom. These experiences have pulled us together as a class and we have learned to love and respect our fellow classmates. As much as this class has grown together, every one of us has also grown as a unique individual. We have found our talents and interests. These interests have drawn us to different activities and in turn helped shape our lives. Some of us have excelled academically while others have helped improve Summer High School by participating in activities such as Link Crew or ASB. Some of us acted in plays while others shared their musical talents by singing in the choir or performing with our outstanding band. Many of us have preferred to be involved in community service with a group like KEY Club. In addition to these school activities, many of us have invested time in jobs and other community activities. These many choices have shaped who we are today: the people we met, the experiences we encountered, the lessons we learned. They have all made an impact on our lives and, in turn, we have also made a difference in the lives of others. The people sitting out in this audience tonight have also greatly impacted our lives. Every person in this enormous stadium has given us encouraging words, helpful advice or tough criticism. The support our family, friends and teachers have shared with us is invaluable. Their caring and dedication have helped us get here today.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Great Expectations of Human Nature Essay -- Great Expectations Es

The Great Expectations of Human Nature Charles Dickens used Great Expectations as a forum for presenting his views of human nature. This essay will explore friendship, generosity, love, cruelty and other aspects of human nature presented by Dickens over 100 years ago. Friendship was one of the human characteristics Dickens enjoyed. Herbert was a true friend to Pip. Moving to London would have been stressful if Herbert had not eased Pip's transition into the city. Herbert informed Pip of Miss Havisham's story when no one else would tell it. When Magwitch arrived and mortified Pip, Herbert was there discuss what was to be done. Herbert was an integral part in the design and implementation of Magwitch's escape. Herbert even saved Pip's life from Orlick's powerful grasp. By associating fellowship with good characters and deeds, Dickens made it known that he admired friendships. Another human characteristic which Dickens appreciated was generosity. This trait appeared in Magwitch and Pip. Magwitch , the starved convict, was forever grateful to Pip for bringing him food in the opening of the book. Magwitch repaid Pip's kindness by opening a door to the young man's dreams. Pip suspected his dear friend, Herbert, would never become prosperous so Pip took some of the money he was receiving from Magwitch and used it as a stipend in Herbert's behalf. By doing this, Pip precipitated Herbert becoming a partner in a prosperous business. Having characters donate money and benefit from it, Dickens conveyed the goodness of generosity. To Dickens, the most noble of human characte... to visit Pip in London, Pip was embarrassed to know him. If Pip "could have kept him away by paying money, [Pip] certainly would have paid money." After years of Joe's friendship and loving care, Pip thought of paying him not to visit. At the end of the novel, Pip learned what an unappreciative person he had been to Joe and asked his forgiveness. Dickens presented this piece of human nature well enough to create sympathy for Joe and all parents who receive ingratitude from their children. Dickens used his characters to convey his thoughts of human nature - good and bad. Dickens believed if he could present both sides of humanity to the public, people would try to better themselves. Dickens hated the Victorian society in which he was bound, and he turned to the pen to alter his bete noire.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Principles of Public International Law Essay

â€Å"Law will never really play an effective part in international relations until it can annex to its own sphere some of the matters which at present lie within the domestic jurisdiction of the several states. † Discuss ‘The principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people, whether in the form of legislation or of custom and policies recognised’. The aforementioned is a definition of law as defined by the American Heritage dictionary of the English Language. If we apply this definition of community in its strictest sense it becomes increasingly difficult to subscribe to the view that there is an international community at large. If we begin to analyse statistics that show that there are over 7000 languages in the world, approximately 10,000 distinctly different religions, and a disputably infinite number of ethnic groups across just the 195 countries that comprise our global society, then it becomes patently clear that we would be better off highlighting our divisiveness rather than our prospects as a global community. Our collective history as human beings, however, tells a different story about our common interest and the way in which we have formally raised and torn down barriers to promote the same. We have, on the other hand, been separated on the basis of differing ideologies and the exercise of exclusive nationalism. Since the latter is a sentiment which resides in particular nations which have at their core a set legal framework validating their very existence and their interaction with other nations, it is essential to any study of law’s application to international relations. How does a sovereign nation reconcile its very sovereignty with its growing need to be integrated into a shrinking global society with its concomitant shrinking global economy? It is clear that some compromises must be made. Before we consider any specific cases in which states have decided to relinquish some of their sovereign power, we must consider the implications of the term sovereignty itself, the elements of sovereignty and its importance to a nation-state. Much has been written on the topic of sovereignty. Definitions vary slightly from one text to the other but they all have at their core, when specifically referring to the idea of state sovereignty, the idea of legitimate authority. In Sohail H. Hashmi’s discourse on sovereignty in the book ‘State Sovereignty, Change and Resistance in International Relations’, he asserts, referring to the concept of legitimate authority, that it is â€Å" a broad concept – not a definition but a wide category – that unites most of sovereignty’s tradition. He further notes that authority can be defined as â€Å"The right to command and correlatively, the right to be obeyed† and is only legitimate â€Å"when it is seen as right by those living under it. † It is to be noted that legitimate authority is not simply the idea of more power. R. P. Wolf, the twentieth century political philosopher and individual anarchist, illustrates the difference more sharply in a classical example in which he argues â€Å"if I am forced at gunpoint to hand over my money, I am subject to power; if I pay my taxes even though I think I can cheat I am recognizing legitimate authority. † We must recognize, however, that though legitimate authority is the overarching principle on any discourse on state sovereignty, there are specific elements of state sovereignty that are crucial, which every sovereign state holds dear to it and attempts to retain regardless of seemingly necessary or stipulated concessions of power, influence or authority to the international community. They include International Legal Validation (of a sovereign state), Interdependence Sovereignty and Domestic Sovereignty. International Legal Validation can be viewed as the right of the state to be a sovereign entity as prescribed by ‘international law’. It is legitimate authority as a legal construct or as Hashami puts it â€Å"legitimate authority† that is â€Å"prescribed by the law. † (Hashami, pg 18) The author Stephen D. Krasner in his book ‘Sovereignty, Organised Hypocrisy’ describes this element of sovereignty as international legal sovereignty. He states that it â€Å"refers to the practices associated with mutual recognition, usually between territorial entities that have formal juridical independence. † At its core international legal validation concerns issues of the recognition of states. If one were ignorant about the political climate on the global front, the natural answer to the question ‘how did a state become a state? ’ would be that ‘the would-be state must satisfy the defined stipulations (in international law) for becoming a state. Following this line of reasoning would inevitably lead one to the very first article of the Montevideo Convention on Rights and Duties of States, which since 1933 set out that â€Å"The state, as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with other states. It does not take much political savvy, however, to understand that the legal criteria for statehood and the actual criteria for being recognized as a state by the international community at large is a de facto and de jure issue. As Krasner postulates â€Å"States have recognized other governments even when they did not h ave control over their claimed territory, such as the German and Italian recognition of the Franco regime in 1936, and the American recognition of the Lon Nol government in Cambodia in 1970. States have continued to recognize governments which have lost power, including Mexican recognition of the Spanish republican regime of 1977, and recognition of the Chinese Nationalist regime by all of the major Western powers until the 1970s. States have refused to recognize new governments even when they have established effective control, such as the British refusal to recognize the July monarch in France until 1832, the US refusal to recognise the Soviet regime until 1934. (Krasner, pg 15) The recognition of states is definitely an area in which the law (as prescribed by the Montevideo Convention and more recently the EU, which has almost identical tenets concerning the recognition of states) has proved ineffective in international relations precisely because of the political agendas and consequently domestic jurisdiction of the several states which reflect the political climate in which they operate. States attempt to hold on to this type of sovereignty because it affords them clout and validation in a global society in which interdependence is not just an ideal but a tool for survival, at the very least and a necessary aid to prosperity at the very most. The point here is not that nonrecognition brings with it a form of absolute isolation which renders the unrecognised state permanently barred from international commerce and diplomatic relations. What is of paramount importance, however, is the fact that nonrecognition brings with it an air of uncertainty concerning the unrecognised state, particularly in the eyes of multinational firms which as a result may be more reluctant to invest. Krasner notes that â€Å"by facilitating accords, international legal sovereignty offers the possibility for rulers to secure external resources that can enhance their ability to stay in power and promote the security, economic, and ideational interest of their constituents. (Krasner, pg 17) Interdependence sovereignty is the ability of a state to regulate the flow of information, goods, ideas and people into and out of its country. States try to hold on to this type of sovereignty because their ability to do this is directly related to their ability to effectively take control and organise their own polity, which in essence is domestic sovereignty which states must hold on to by definition i. e. in order to be a state in the first place. We shall consider reasons which prompt states to relinquish some of their sovereignty later in our discussion. We have thus far acknowledged, via several examples, based on the politics involved in the process of mutual recognition of states, that the issue of international legal sovereignty or international legal validation is a de facto versus de jure consideration. Is this, however, a trend in the legal procedures in international relations? The law, based on our previously defined definition, must be applicable to the actors in the community in hich it is operating. If, in the realm of international relations, the law can be voluntarily and regularly flouted by those who come under its subjection then serious questions arise about the very existence of ‘international law’. It must be duly noted though that states undeniably operate within the workings of a law order which to a large extent regulates their day to day interactions with one another and which is autonomo us in its operations. There are a countless number of international treatises that are steadfastly observed on a day to day basis. Examples include international agreements which facilitate the smooth to and fro transport of letters which are transported to all corners of the globe at fixed rates which are stipulated by the Universal postal union, the establishment of hundreds of football leagues worldwide- the individual countries who oversee them all subscribing to the specific rules and regulation set out by the world governing body in football, F. I. F. A. and the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations which afford diplomats exemption from prosecution within the courts of the country in which they are stationed. It is evident then that there is a legal framework that regulates the goings on of international relations. We have to probe a bit deeper into the workings of this system in order to ascertain whether or not it can accurately be characterised as international law. It can be argued that upon examination of our above examples of situations in which law plays an effective role in international relations, that the circumstances demand that such broad and far-reaching legal action be undertaken. The methods may vary but in order for letters to be transported globally there must be some standardisation procedure. This sort of necessary ‘self-coercion’ can be observed in a slightly different manner in the operations of international trade and commerce. Often times when two countries have a trade dispute they seek to resolve it in the World Trade Organisation (W. T. O. ), the foremost international authority on trade and trade disputes. The country that loses the dispute, in a legal case which is heard before a court of law under the auspices of the W. T. O. , more often that not abides by the decision. This, again, is not necessarily because the losing party has a great respect or reverence for ‘international law’ or the W. T. O. per se, but rather because it is within its interest to do so. As Harris explains, â€Å"The great majority of the rules of international law are generally observed by all nations without actual compulsion, for it is generally in the interest of all nations concerned to honour their obligations under international law. † (Harris pg 8) He further argues that a nation will be â€Å"reluctant to disregard its obligations under a commercial treaty, since the benefits that it expects from the execution of the treaty by the other contracting parties are complimentary to those anticipated by the latter. It may thus stand to loose more than it would gain by not fulfilling its part in the bargain. This is particularly so in the long run since a nation that has the reputation of reneging on its commercial obligations will find it hard to conclude commercial treaties beneficially to itself. † (Harris pg8) There is, evidently then, a law amongst nations, which is effective regardless of the reason for it being so. The problem of defining this law amongst nations as ‘international law’, however, lies in part because of those very cases in which it is flagrantly disregarded. For any legal system to functional optimally it must operate in a community in which there is a legislative system to make laws as it sees fit, a judiciary to implement the administration of justice and an executive body to enforce the law. Now grant it, generally speaking, there is no formal legislative system in international relations, when countries enter into agreements with each other the signing of treaties is usually undertaken and this serves as the source of law that is meant to dictate the terms of their agreement. However, unlike what is the case in municipal law, there is no definite enforceability method. There is no one authority that can guarantee the compliance of states to international treaties or conventions. We have already made the point that in most cases compliance has become second nature – but what of the cases (though they are scarce) in which it is not? Within the domestic law arena there are cases in which the law is glaringly broken. Once there is enough evidence to convict the wrongdoer, he is convicted and punished. The punitive measures that are undertaken would have been pre-determined by the legislative body and subsequently enforced by an executive body. There is no such arrangement in the international domain. As Harris puts forward â€Å"The problem of enforcement becomes acute, however, in that minority of important and generally spectacular cases, particularly important in the context of our discussion, in which compliance with international law and its enforcement have a direct bearing on the relative power of the nations concerned. In those cases†¦considerations of power rather than of law determine compliance and enforcement. † (Harris, pg 9) Therein lies the difficulty in saying that there is a law of nations. Having established the problematic nature of ‘international law’ or a ‘law of nations’, we shall henceforth temporarily ignore our challenges with nomenclature for the purposes of our remaining discussion. That being said, it is of critical importance to analyse the impact of international law on municipal law and vice versa. There is an ongoing dispute between theorist who believe that international law and municipal law are two separate legal orders and theorist who believe that they are part of the same legal order. The formative argument is known as dualism while the latter is known as monism. There is no one argument based on either monism or dualism that comprehensively settles the dispute. â€Å"On the international plane, international law is invoked and applied on a daily basis by states and intergovernmental organisations. With minor exceptions, it is the only law that applies to the conduct of states and international organisations in their relations with one another. Here international law is a distinct legal system, comparable in its scope and function to a national legal system. † (Buergenthal-Murphy, pg 3) The point mentioned above is very valid and gives credence to the dualism argument. Diplomatic relations, as discussed earlier, are dealt with strictly on the international plane. In order to see the appeal of the monism argument however we have to look no further than the argument establishing the Caribbean Court of Justice (C. C. J. ). Article XXIII of this agreement is as follows: 1)Each contracting party should, to the maximum extent possible, encourage and facilitate the use of arbitration and other means of alternative dispute resolution for the settlement of international commercial disputes. )To this end, each contracting party shall provide appropriate procedures to ensure observance of agreements to arbitrate and for the recognition and enforcement of arbitral award in such disputes. The C. C. J. is a court whose aim is to have a â€Å"determinative role in the further development of Caribbean jurisprudence through the juridical process† is thus an international lega l authority. In order for its smooth operation it must nevertheless depend on the domestic jurisdictions of its member states. Monism and dualism can hence be viewed as fluid concepts which exist in varying degrees.